Banner Pilot: Heart Beats Pacific

The Midwestern punk-rock band Banner Pilot has released their third full-length album, which serves as an accurate portrayal of their talent and experience. Heart Beats Pacific is much like their earlier work with minimal experimentation. Although it does not revolutionize the band’s reputation, the album includes 11 simple songs with honest lyrics and Banner Pilot’s traditionally rough vocals. It is primarily upbeat, energetic and an overall fun album.

The first track on the CD is “Alchemy,” which sets the atmosphere for the remaining 10 tracks. The song is set to a fast-paced tempo and involves the ideas of disregarding one’s failures and remaining optimistic in times of hardship. It is the perfect opening to a well-constructed album that enthusiastically celebrates the ideas of youth and adventure.

Track number eight, “Calling Station,” caught my attention as a well composed song about escaping childhood and experiencing a new lifestyle. The following track, “Western Terminal,” expands on this idea with the image of old photographs, a rusted car and the words “leave this nowhere town.” Banner Pilot utilizes their life experiences to write relatable, tell-all lyrics. They convey the meanings of these songs while still maintaining the album’s overall cheerful rock melody.

Overall, Banner Pilot’s third album, Heart Beats Pacific, is a punk-rock creation that is composed of energy and positivity. Although not significantly different than the band’s previous work, each track off the album contains meaningful lyrics and good messages. Heart Beats Pacific is best suited for traditional punk-rock and alternative rock lovers.

In A Word: Animated