Bereft: Leichenhaus

Walking around a town dump that depicts images of post-apocalyptic scenery would have to be the best way to experience the new record by Bereft. The essence behind these metal masters from Los Angeles is difficult to determine, as it constantly changes and catches the listener off guard.

Recording quality is pretty standard yet fitting for the mix. Nothing is overly done or underdeveloped. All of the components sound exactly as they should in terms of the content behind the volumes.

An early piece of the production starts out heavy and brutal, which is expected. This is not the type of metal that is quickly paced, nor the type that is technical by any means. Music of this sort is the kind of darkness that is slowly riffed and droned out, adding to its sense of horror. Each tempo is fitting for the songs because they allow enough space for the listener to hear how powerful the chords are.

A careful combination of notes within the concoction behind the stringed instruments compels the sound to slice through the darkness of everything and bloom into a lighter and softer vibe. Unlike most other heavy metal bands, Bereft has managed to accomplish the task of creating something that feels so beautiful while sounding filthy. Every track leaves a trail of confusion behind it with the afterthought of what happened and how it got there.

Immense disorientation of direction in style is what vibrantly displays the uniqueness behind Leichenhaus. Ambiance masked by an impending adumbral is what throws this album into the form of a masterpiece. While there are many different bands out there doing many obscure things, there are groups like Bereft that create ambitions for themselves with their explorations.

In A Word: Chiaroscuro