Drone: Drone

Thrash metal band Drone have provided nothing but hardcore consistency throughout their self-titled album, Drone. Founded in 2004, the German quartet began to create fierce sounds. Their fourth studio album is a project created with character. While mandatory in any metal band, the heaviness Drone created is phenomenal. The instrumentation in each song helps maintain the necessary stability required for a successful metal album. Drone have smartly used their decade together to put forth an impressive 12-track collection.

“Guilt” is the first song on Drone, starting off with some pleasant guitar playing that drastically shifts to a powerful piece. Many of the songs have a healthy combination of screaming and singing. The duality that occurs throughout the album only enhances the vocal quality. It appears that the band has a good sense of humor in the song “Hammered, Fucked And Boozed,” in which the intro briefly contains some farm-esque sounds. Drone’s unquestionable clarity is something that should be acknowledged. “Hung And Over,” “Life Of Riley” and “Out In The Rain” are the only tracks that are slowed down to express some very genuine tunes.

Drone supplied an album that is full of powerful music. The fusion of vocal styles is only strengthened by the band’s instrument accuracy. While the musical flow is definitely noteworthy, all of the numbers have a great transition into each other. Maintaining these steady transitions serves Drone well; their songs have an easy and uncomplicated quality about them. If you’re looking for quality metal, this album is essential.

                                                                                                                        In A Word: Formidable