Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun: Wildfire

Today The Moon, Tomorrow The Sun’s 12-track release, Wildfire, throws sing-along styled lyrics, bright synths and Lauren Gibson’s sultry voice into a blender to create a tasty concoction that will keep the listener coming back for seconds—thirds even.

Wildfire grabs the listener’s attention from the start with the 38-second track “Intro,” which sounds like an opening for a late ’90s video game. Without hesitation “We Were Wild” kicks right in. A sense of serenity is evident in “Old Monster” until the vocals comes in and one gets an earful of the beautiful imagery and dark tones of the lyrics. With the album flowing so smoothly, “With My Good Eyes” almost left me in disappointment. The melodies at the start of the song are distracting, however, all is forgiven once the overbearing synth and drums mellow out before the chorus.

“Irene The Avalanche” is a sexy track due to Gibson’s swanky vocals, the crawling drums provided by Jeremy Cole and hip-swinging guitar and bass. “Right Left Right” ended up being my favorite song off Wildfire because of the nostalgic, early ’90s video game-inspired electronics. Wildfire starts to come to a close with the passionate and powerful “Kairos.” The lyrics combined with the breakdown that shatters a lullaby-styled bridge adds to the many reasons why this should have been the closeout piece.

In A Word: Hot