No Trigger: Tycoon

Tycoon, No Trigger’s first release since 2006, is one loud explosion of tracks after another. With his rough, rage filled voice, Tom Rheault aids in Tycoon creating the destruction that it does. The band’s second studio release starts off with an upbeat, attention grabbing song filled with hearty guitar riffs and slamming drums titled “Maple Boy.” No Trigger doesn’t ease up with the power of their jams, as the appealing “Dried Piss” comes flying in with darker tones than its predecessors.

The Massachusetts-based band’s Tycoon is full of angst and positivity, yet it doesn’t seem to be aimed in a particular direction, which could be viewed as a bad thing depending on your preference. In this case, it benefits the band, making their music much more applicable to any area of life. Despite the band’s harder sounding numbers, there are a few that are much poppier than punk or hardcore. The beginning of “New Brains” is slow and harmonious until it turns into a sea of waning guitars and uplifting vocals. Rheault’s strong voice carries “Skyscrapers” and it contains some heavy drums and peppy guitars.

The only negative issues with the release is the flow of it—there are some cuts, such as “Skyscrapers” and “Insider (Executive/Amputee)” that should have been swapped or placed in entirely different spots on the track listing. Otherwise, No Trigger’s Tycoon is a force to be reckoned with. The disc is a raw, zesty time bomb that translates into one hell of a live show.

In A Word: Intense