Pacific UV: Weekends

Indie rockers Pacific UV have completely reinvented themselves with the eerie, electro-pop album, Weekends. Each of its 12 tracks is experimental and profoundly original. The album’s unconventional instruments, such as horns, accentuate its already irrefutable uniqueness.

The songs off of Weekends have an enchanting effect. “Friday Night Dream,” which begins the album, has a bizarre, mysterious sound that manages to perfectly convey the feeling of dreaming. With a slow violin, light chimes and no vocals, it is soft, fragile and ethereal-sounding. Pacific UV also included “Saturday Night Dream” and “Sunday Night Dream,” and although each is slightly different, they all have the same otherworldly quality, providing a thread of consistency through the track list.

In contrast, songs such as “Funny Girl” and “Ballerina” are more upbeat and energetic. They have addictive techno melodies and could function well as dance-pop singles. “Funny Girl” is perhaps the catchiest composition on the album. Unlike the others, its vocals are distinguishable and its lyrics are actually relatable, and further illustrated by electronic noises.

The vocals in “Ballerina” are heavily distorted and robotic. Although very animated, they are repetitive and somewhat indiscernible. It is not unlike the last track, “Unplug Me,” which also features robotic vocals. However, “Unplug Me” is slower-paced and more grave and serious overall. It eventually fades into a string of delicate, ghostly melodies, ending the album on an unsettling note.

Weekends by Pacific UV is distinct, exploratory and eccentric. Although not for everyone, the album is sheer proof of the band’s originality and talent.

In A Word: Incomparable