After this past summer, it’s impossible for one to say that they’ve never heard of David Guetta. Even if one does not know the music, they probably know the name. A car ride cannot be long if, at least, one David Guetta song doesn’t come on the radio.
Much praise must be given to Guetta for his ability to make club music both catchy and memorable. I don’t even like club music, but I grudgingly accept the ability to make it a tolerable experience. Everyone knows the song “Sexy Chick” (or “Sexy Bitch,” for all the adults out there). Even the people who hate the song know it.
This is something of an all-star album given the impressive amount of featured guest artists, Fergie, Kid Cudi, Akon and Rihanna are just a few of the stars that he brings to the table.
For all of its bells and whistles, though, this album is not without problems. The main one is its repetitive nature. This is fine, and even advantageous, in a club setting, but in the comfort of one’s own home it can be a little underwhelming. I can’t, in good conscience, recommend this to everyone, but for those who really dig club music or mainstream electronica this is definitely where it’s at.
In A Word: Light