Sunshine Spotlight

Kid Sistr Visit ‘Sunshine Spotlight’

Reality Check’s James Campion has ventured into the world of podcasting with a new, inspirational, and oh-so musical show. You can now listen to biweekly interviews with artists of varying genres, immense expertise, and vulnerable life stories.

20 episodes is no small feat, so to celebrate checking that box off the podcast bucket list, Sunshine Spotlight invited Kid Sistr on for a conversation about blowing up on TikTok, releasing a debut EP during a pandemic, laughing with their 200k followers, and creating punk music for a new generation. Feminist music that isn’t automatically grouped into the riot grrrl category or looked at as a protest anthem is hard to find, but the effortless blending of true girl power, sensuality, sensitivity, and inclusion into classic alternative rock sounds has allowed Kid Sistr to create just that.

For more information on the background on Sunshine Spotlight’s stellar guests and the happenings of Underwater Sunshine Fest, visit

Read more about James Campion’s last episode with Kasey Anderson here!