Progressive Metal Icons Dream Theater Are Reborn on Their Dark, Surreal New Album Albums February 12, 2025
HOT ROCKS: New Releases from Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots, Liam Gallagher, DIO, and Sepultura Vinny Cecolini Albums February 23, 2020
On The Record: Standout Blues Albums from Mark Muleman Massey, Tommy Castro & the Painkillers Columns February 14, 2025
Queued Up: Exploring the World of Bong Joon-Ho (‘Parasite’), plus ‘Doctor Sleep,’ ‘The Siren,’ ‘Scandalous,’ ‘Untouchable,’ and more. Bryan Reesman Queued Up February 24, 2020
Phish’s Mike Gordon & Jon Fishman Perform at Bernie Sanders Super Tuesday Rally Dan Alleva Going On in NYC March 4, 2020
North Jersey Notes Tim Louie Columns February 4, 2020 0NORTH JERSEY NOTES UPDATES: Congrats to my brother, PJ Farley, from Trixter, RA, Eric Martin Band,and just about every cover...
North Jersey Notes Tim Louie Columns September 11, 2019 0In Spite Of – Marlboro, NJ I could have sworn I wrote about these guys many, many years ago. And...
North Jersey Notes: Ixion Lux, Killcode, Life Without Warning and More! Tim Louie NJ/NY July 18, 2012 0One band that really caught my attention at Raceway Park’s Summer Jam was a band called Ixion Lux. I’ve never...
North Jersey Notes: Scars Of Envy, Killcode, Negative Sky and More! Tim Louie NJ/NY June 27, 2012 0One band that really impressed the hell out of me at Summer Jam in Englishtown, NJ a couple of weeks...
North Jersey Notes: Robbin’ Pain, Cashmier, Killcode and More! Tim Louie NJ/NY February 22, 2012 0ROBBIN’ PAIN—Midland Park, NJ Robbin’ Pain guitarist Rick DalCortivo recently reached out to me letting me know about his band’s...
North Jersey Notes: Farehaven, Killcode, Wildstreet and more! Tim Louie Columns February 17, 2012 0FAREHAVEN–Cincinnati, OH Yes, I know, I know! Cincinnati, Ohio is nowhere near North Jersey, but my lawyer recently sent me...
North Jersey Notes: Updates Tim Louie NJ/NY May 18, 2011 0My bros from Killcode are still hard at work on their first full-length CD with producer Stacey O’Dell. According to...
North Jersey Notes: Viking Viking Viking, Killcode, Saint Caine, Facelift And More! Tim Louie NJ/NY March 2, 2011 1VIKING VIKING VIKING—New Milford, NJ I scoured the Internet for a North Jersey band to feature this week, and I...
North Jersey Notes: Updates Tim Louie NJ/NY January 26, 2011 0I haven’t heard from the boys of Killcode in a little while. Well, until now, that is! The boys rocked...
North Jersey Notes: Killing The Messenger, Passaic Park, NJ Tim Louie NJ/NY August 3, 2010 1I was forwarded this band out of Passaic Park, NJ, called Killing the Messenger. These guys are as local as...