Get Up is the fourth studio album from Austin-based pop group Wiretree (slated for release July 9), and the first of their records that I’ve had the pleasure of listening to. The band was originally conceived back in 2005, and now includes members Kevin Peroni, Joshua Kaplan, Rachel Peroni, and Daniel Blanchard.
The first track, “Get Up,” is an exceptionally soulful piece, and sets the bar high for the rest of the album to follow. Both uplifting and inspiring, the well-delivered lyrics and steady beat of the acoustic guitars seduce the listener into nodding their head along with the rhythm of the music.
“Marching Band” is in essence a reminiscent piece on the “protagonist’s” past history, and sounds markedly different from the introductory track thanks to the inclusion of the piano. It is difficult to determine exactly what “Easy Chair” was supposed to be, considering the song consists of two short sentences and is only 57 seconds long. But I’ll let that one slide.
“When You Were Young,” the final track, utilizes a soothing piano solo at one point to provide the emotion that a good chunk of Get Up lacks. The song, which mentions the word “hope” a dozen or so times, is as expressive as it is thought-provoking. Nonetheless, it still does not quite reach the same heights as the first track.
Get Up reaches its zenith with its first song, “Get Up,” and, a few exceptions aside, the rest of the album unfortunately doesn’t quite live up to the same quality as the introductory song. Kevin Peroni’s emotion is embodied throughout with his distinctive singing, and while I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Get Up is a one-hit wonder, it is undeniable that there exists a gulf in class between “Get Up” and the rest of the album.
In A Word: Imbalanced